Saturday, September 29, 2007

Made to Ravelry!

Yesterday! It's quite an operation offering a lot to us crazy obsessed knitters. If you want to find me I am 'Knitegtrity'. Let me explain! It's misspelled! I hate that. How did that second 't' get in there? It's supposed to be 'Knitegrity'. I know it's my fault that I didn't see the typo. I have emailed Casey and begged for help so we'll see. I liked the name before this happened. Leave a comment with how I can find you on Ravelry if I haven't already!


Nikki said...

You've already found me but I wanted to say YEAH! :) make sure you come by to see us at the RV spin/knit group :)

Nana Sadie said...

You've already found me.
Typos are easy - but if anyone can fix it, Casey can!

Anonymous said...

I'm "TangledYarn" if you want to find me. :)